

Malmö CO2 Hub Receives Swedish Government Funding For Carbon Capture Infrastructure

The Swedish Energy Agency has provided SEK 5.3 million ($484,003) to the Malmö CO2 Hub project, a collaborative effort between several key players in the energy, port logistics, and waste management sectors. 

This funding, allocated through the government’s “Industrial Leap” initiative, will support the development of a shared infrastructure for the transport, storage, and utilization of carbon dioxide in southern Sweden.

The Malmö CO2 Hub brings together Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP), E.ON, Nordion Energi, Sysav, and Uniper, with the active support of Växjö Energi and Öresundskraft. The funding will be utilized to conduct an in-depth feasibility study, scheduled for completion by June 2025, to assess the viability of a common carbon infrastructure.

This shared infrastructure will enable participating companies to collectively invest in carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies, making these solutions more financially accessible and significantly increasing emission reductions. 

The project aims to create a sustainable CCUS ecosystem that is open to future participation from additional stakeholders.

“By collaborating on a carbon capture, utilisation and storage infrastructure, we can achieve climate benefits not only for industry but also for Sweden as a whole,” Henrik Norgren, Project Manager, stated.

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“The project provides economies of scale and reduced costs for all participating companies, making it easier for us to contribute to achieving Sweden’s climate goals. This funding from the Swedish Energy Agency and our partners makes this possible, and establishes a model that other Regions can derive inspiration from.”

Carbon capture has emerged as a critical component in achieving the ambitious climate targets set by both Sweden and the European Union. 

The Malmö CO2 Hub envisions establishing Malmö as a central hub for carbon dioxide logistics, where captured carbon dioxide can be efficiently collected and transported for final storage in neighboring countries like Norway or Denmark.

The consortium aims to develop an infrastructure capable of capturing and storing 1-2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, contributing significantly to achieving negative emissions and promoting more sustainable industrial practices within Sweden.

資料來源 : Carbon Herald